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Get Two Free Domains with Our Web Hosting Plans
The New Year is the time for setting new resolutions and goals. Already started working on your resolution? That’s great!
Some of you might have planned for starting your new business online or maybe taking your existing business online. Here’s a great deal on web hosting for them.
We are offering exclusive deals on our web hosting plans. Now get 2 free domains on our web hosting plans. This includes one .com domain and one .online domain. If you register a .com domain with our web hosting plan, you will get the same version of your domain with a .online extension.
Deals in Details
Deal ...
What is WordPress? Learn WordPress and its features from A to Z!
Best Hosting and over 60 million other websites run on WordPress, and statistics say that more than a third of the entire Internet runs on WordPress. In this lesson, we will explain to you in detail what WordPress is, its features, history, types of WordPress sites, what WordPress plugins are and their importance. We will also show you how to create a WordPress site, the difference between and, and more.
Mostly, you hear about WordPress a lot, but you may not know much about it.. But you are not the only one, many people have no idea what ...
10 Common Mistakes When Buying Web Hosting.. Avoid Them!
Learn about the most common web hosting mistakes among beginners, so you don't make them and avoid getting into trouble or making unnecessary mistakes while purchasing web hosting. The Best Hosting website has compiled these common mistakes in one list with a correction for each mistake and how to avoid making them easily. These mistakes are constantly received by our visitors and occur before, during and after purchasing hosting, and avoiding them will save you money, time and effort and will help you choose the best web hosting easily.
If you are new to the world of web hosting , you will ...
Web Hosting: What is Hosting and Its Types? (In Detail)
Every website needs a web hosting to be its home. In this lesson, the Best Hosting team will explain to you in detail what web hosting is, its different types, and how hosting works. In addition, we will explain to you how to choose the best web hosting for your project or website easily and at the lowest possible price.
most important technologies invented by humanity.
It is considered one of the main components of the Internet and without it, there would not be this huge number of websites.
Modern technology has affected many areas, even radically affecting daily habits and routines, ...
Explain what is shared hosting Shared hosting? Who uses it?
Shared web hosting is the most widely used type of hosting and is considered the cheapest and most user-friendly web hosting service. In this lesson from the Best Hosting website, we will explain to you what Shared Web Hosting is and how it works in detail and without complications. We will also share with you some factors that will help you buy the best shared web hosting easily and at the lowest possible price.
Shared hosting is one of the most popular and widely used website hosting products and services in which server resources are shared among multiple accounts or users of the ...
What Is VPS? A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Private Servers
Has it happened? Have you hit the big time?
Are you finding your website struggles to keep up with all that new visitor traffic?
It might be time to upgrade to VPS hosting.
VPS, short for virtual private server, gives your site dedicated resources to perform better than shared hosting.
In this guide, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of VPS hosting. What is it? How does it compare to shared or dedicated hosting? We’ll also look at the factors indicating it may be time to upgrade. To sum up, learn how to choose the best VPS hosting plan for your growing ...
Cloud Computing and Artifical Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Artifical Intelligence
Is cloud computing, plus artificial intelligence really the future of the digital market? Is artificial intelligence that has been explored until now, just the tip of the iceberg?
Well, to answer many of such questions, we went on to research all that AI boom that is set to bring in 2020 and ahead!
So, firstly let's understand what exactly is AI and cloud computing, and why it's going to be an absolute game changer for the digital marketing industry?
In the simplest way, cloud computing can be defined as the collective deliverance of computing services, which are inclusive ...
What is a server? Definition and examples
A Server is a machine or computer program that provides data or functionality for other machines or programs. We call the other devices or programs ‘clients.’ Most commonly, the term refers to a computer that provides data to other computers. The data may be served to systems on a wide area network (WAN) over the Internet. Alternatively, it may serve the data to LAN systems. LAN stands for local area network.
Provide shared resources
Servers are the lifeblood of any network. They provide the shared resources that the network users need, such as e-mail, Web services, databases, file storage, etc.
Webopedia has the following definition ...
تعرف على RDP و كيفية الحصول عليه Remote desktop protocol
ماهو RDP و كيفية الحصول عليه
يعد الـ RDP من الأشياء المميزة والتي انتشرت منذ فترة طويلة جداً و يتم استخدام RDP من قبل الأشخاص الذين يعانون من ضعف سرعات الانترنت الخاص بهم .
وهذا لأن الأر دي بي RDP برتوكول سطح المكتب البعيد هو الخدمة التي يمكنك من خلالها أن تحصل على سرعات انترنت فائقة السرعة لتتمكن من اتمام كافة المهام الخاصة بك بسهولة كاملة .
و في ما يلي سنتعرف على تعريف ال RDP و طريقة حصولك عليه أيضاً وطريقة استخدامه بالطريقة الصحيحة و المناسبة لذا تابع معي هذا المقال الشيق .
ما هو RDP : -
تعد هذه الكلمة الصغيرة المكونة ...
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to Log into Your Windows Server
Although you can control the majority of server-level tasks using Plesk, there may be times when you need to remotely log into your Windows server. (If you have a Linux server, you’ll need to use SSH to remotely access your server.)
Regular Windows computers have a keyboard, monitor, and mouse that allow you to interact with the machine. For Windows servers hosted on the Internet, things are a bit different because your server could physically be thousands of miles away. To access the desktop of an Internet-hosted server, Microsoft created Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
Every Windows server at Liquid Web is set up ...